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platform for greatness outreach

Who We Are

PLAGRO is neither a church nor a denominational body and will nerve become one. It is a project that is package by willing believers-in-Christ to touch our generation in all ramifications; spiritually, socially, economically, politically, intellectually and physically. The facets of this outreach are organized in such a strategic manner that any man and every man created by God can be a part of it either as a supporter or a beneficiary. PLAGRO has highly placed Christian leaders, Trustees and Advisers.

Motto: Positioning the Church and the world for divine greatness.

Impressions About PLAGRO

Mr. DianaAbasi Akpabio:

“PLAGRO is a ministry that has motivated people to move from mediocrity to excellence in every area of their lives, attitude, endeavours, relationships and family life. There have been intellectual, leadership and educational advancements in my life since I joined the platform in 2004. Also,  I was a bachelor when i joined but now, I’m a married man by reason of PLAGRO. I’m trusting God fro greater heights and success through the platform.

Alex Iduma:

I have consistently followed the vision of PLAGRO and the man behind it for more than five years and I can authoritatively say that it is indeed a platform for greatness. One cannot stay in PLAGRO without thinking great, talking and in fact becoming great. PLAGRO, indeed is a platform for the making of great people.